Our client started making facial oils to give as gifts to friends and family. After receiving much praise, she decided to start her skin care company, Tihli. While infinitely passionate about her craft, the client didn't know how to create and launch her brand. She came to FIR Northwest for help.
Packaging and Web Copy
My art director and I were tasked with designing the packaging. Our overall objective was to create something which would tell the brands story. A small product run meant ease of production was critical. We created packaging for three products: Prickly Pear Oil, Argan Oil, and Facial Serum.
Designing the packaging was an iterative process. We initially started out with more traditional designs but were left unsatisfied by them. We made some changes such as using handmade paper to add a textural element to the experience and added a pull ribbon as the packaging would warp with repeated openings without it. The overall direction of the copy was to invoke a sense of far-off exotic and wonder, almost presenting the client as an Anthony Bourdain type figure of skin care. This direction would continue on in the web copy.